Tuesday, 29 March 2016

March comes to an end

A brief blast of icy rain and wind  reminds me that the Canadian winter is not truly over yet. The snowdrops have faded and the tulip leaves are reaching out of the ground basking in the warmth of the sun. I enjoyed family connections over the Easter weekend and delicious new recipes. 
My creative spirit is beginning to flow again with new ideas for necklaces coming to fruition. Still hoping that the healing process of my knee speeds up so I can stop being distracted by it and focus on more of the things that I enjoy. 

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Out and about

As interesting workshop on collage making at Scarborough Arts with my daughter after a tasty Thai meal at a newly discovered restaurant made for a perfect day recently. Fun to explore my neighbourhood now that retirement gives me the time to do so. Hidden gems around every corner. 
Visions for the future of Scarborough recorded by visitors to the gallery where the workshop  took place. 

It is exciting to be back at the Pan Am Sports Centre again with the spacious pools and the ultra modern excercise machines that will help to get my knee into top working form. The swimming is so soothing and makes me feel free as a bird, or do I mean fish!

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Blue skies ahead

The rain and fog today were very reminiscent of the days I spent in England 30 years ago. Nice to have a blazing fire to relax in front of. 

It was very exciting to revisit the Pan Am Sports Center that I have not been to for months. I am looking forward to moving my rehab activities on the machines and in the pool to that fabulous venue next week. Getting out and about is good  for the spirits! Also, the jewellery making has resumed which is good for the soul!

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Spring flowers

The snowman melted yesterday and I made the discovery of snowdrops in our spring garden today. What an exciting time lies ahead! 

I took a walk in the amazingly warm weather to the local library and renewed my card. Certainly need more stamina if I am to enjoy spring walks! The place was bustling with toddlers singing and folks on all the computers. I spent many happy hours entertaining myself at the library as a child and will perhaps do so again in retirement. 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Focus on Creativity

The creative juices are beginning to flow once again! I took on the challenge of setting up a Facebook page for Anam Cara Handcrafts, the newly formed  group with friends and family who are drawn to jewellery making and other such endeavours. In Gaelic, Anam Cara means " soul friend" or in my words, kindred spirit. We will use the site to share our activities and showcase our creations.
Check it out Anam Cara Handcrafts www.facebook.com/achandcrafts

I also took the plunge and joined the Scarborough Arts Council and am looking forward to discovering a local community of what should be interesting folks. It is in a unique old building on the edge of the Scarborough  bluffs with views of Lake Ontario for inspiration. 

Monday, 7 March 2016

Spring soon

The quality of the light is changing as spring is only 2 weeks away. Bright sunshine and blue skies are the norm as the finches who swarm the bird feeder begin to change colour back to brilliant yellow. A foreshadowing of summer days.
A Sunday mystery tour took us on the side roads  of Durham region with a stop over at Richters herbs where the warmth of the greenhouse released the fragrances of lavender, thyme and mint. 

The one and only snowman of the year won't last long in the sunshine!