Saturday 11 March 2017

Brain Stimulation

I have trouble being focussed on on these bitterly cold days. My brain is lively so I am not bored and appreciate a real source of renewal with "Fridays with Friends" at the Art Gallery of Ontario. We enjoy lunch and conversation in the subdued and classy lounge in the Grange then head off on unplanned journeys through the galleries. I can rarely remember my way around so the sense of adventure and discovery is exciting. We move from the salon of Canadian Impressionists with dappled light, shadows on snow  and golden haired girls to huge, jarring sculptures of waste industrial iron. I love  everything from the shiny, bigger than life Michael Snow Walking Woman sculptures in the entrance to the enchanting curving staircase of Frank Gehry offering snapshots of the city at every turn. We travel together in the uncharted territory savouring a taste of everything, stopping only briefly to let the beauty seep in. This experience is definitely one of the luxuries of retirement. #ArtGalleryofOntario#AGO#retirement


  1. I'm waiting for "everyday" inspirations, lol...who knew this writing thing was so tough. Take your time to say what you want. Well thought words are the wisest.

  2. Thanks for your encouraging words!
