Sunday, 5 March 2017

Still thinking not writing!

I have not yet put any of my essay on "belonging" to paper, but have decided on the essay format not a short story for my first effort.  The exercise of writing this blog is providing some discipline and practice in the meantime. Now that I have left the world of work, I am seeing things with new eyes and feel cut adrift from any frame of reference. Sitting in a course on "The Art of the Essay",  I  realized that I am not accustomed to attending a lecture for nothing more than the sheer pleasure of learning something new. In the past,  I accumulated knowledge for repurposing in my work life more than anything else. Now I might be hoping to enliven my brain rather than reach a linear destination. The light sculpture pictured below by Dale Chiluly will be my inspiration.  

One of the ideas sparked by my lecture this week, was the use of a commonplace book  to organize all the scraps of ideas that I have been capturing as I explore the idea and art of writing. Wonder why  I have never heard of it before?

"Commonplace books (or commonplaces) are a way to compile  knowledge usually by writing information into books. Such books are essentially scrapbookfilled with items of every kind: recipes, quotes, letters, poems, tables of weights and measures, proverbs, prayers, legal formulas. Commonplaces are used by readers, writers, students, and scholars as an aid for remembering useful concepts or facts they have learned. Each commonplace book is unique to its creator's particular interests. "

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