Tuesday 30 June 2015

Awestruck by Icebergs

Off on an iceberg quest on the Iceberg Quest boat. Toast with partridge berry and rhubarb jam set us up before the voyage. And what a trip it was. With two Twillingate locals at the helm and just 2 other paying guests, off we went to circle two icebergs just offshore. The one fellow who still fishes told us that nothing is more satisfying than coming in from a few days out at sea with a full load of fish. He reminisced about the past and how excited the girls were on the shore waiting for the "longliners" to come in. The icebergs. To see them up close is quite magical. Sun sparkling on the melting white faces, turquoise blue from where I don't know and aquamarine just under the surface. 

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful that you got to see icebergs...gorgeous pictures.
